Cloud Creation is a 2 Step Process Step 1
Silver Iodine Flares are burned in the stratospheres to set up conditions for cloud formations. Silver Iodine is made up of Silver nitrate and Potassium Iodine. These are the shorter "contrails" that can be seen made by planes flying in the stratosphere that leaves the short trails that quickly dissipate. Step 2 Hydrocarbons that are released by the planes - we call them chemtrails - the government calls them contrails - are the long plumes that are left overhead almost every day. The Hydrocarbons are made up of Water vapors - which is a gas - and Carbon Dioxide. One of The Missing Pieces 1st the shorter contrails lays down the silver iodine, preparing the atmosphere for the possibility of cloud formation. Then the chemtrails are sprayed. These hydrocarbons bind with the silver nitrate to form a "cloud condensation nuclei" . In plain language - the silver bind with the water particles to create a cloud. In other words, it's all science - chemistry. More about this can be found at: They list the 10 things you probably didn't know about artificial clouds. Check it out. Bringing it to you as I get it !!!! PEACE. DAK
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August 2016
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